Joseph Moreno
Joseph Moreno is a retired Professor Emeritus and director of the music therapy program at Maryville University in Saint Louis, Missouri. Professionally he has been invited to present music therapy workshops internationally in more than seventy countries including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bali, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, England, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, India, Italy (including Pantelleria and Sicily),Indonesia(including Bali), Israel, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal(including Madeira and the Azores), Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain (including the Canary Islands), Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, USA (including Guam and Puerto Rico).
He has received numerous awards such as the Innovators Awards from the American Association for Music Therapy and the American Association for Group Psychodrama and Psychodrama, an Honorary Member of the Association of Music Therapists of Ukraine, a faculty member of Semester at Sea teaching around the world, elected honorary member of the Nippon Institute of Music Therapy, Osaka, Japan, awarded Honorary Diploma from the Bulgarian Association of Music Therapy, guest lecturer aboard the Queen Elizabeth, recipient of Fulbright awards in 1995,1997 and 1995,Fulbright scholar and recipient of international grant award for six-week program in Pakistan in 1998, Honorary President of the Dongguan Psychological Counselor Association, China, and many more.
He has written two books, „Acting Your Inner Music: Music Therapy and Psychodrama“1999, Barcelona Publishers, that has been translated and published into many languages, and „The Lives of Music Therapists: Profiles in Creativity“,2017, also with Barcelona Publishers, as well as numerous article publications.
Vortrag / Lecture
„Die Geschichte der Musiktherapie als Teil der kreativen Kunsttherapien einschließlich Kunst, Tanz und Drama in den Weltkulturen.“
Die Rolle der Künste in der Therapie hat ihre Wurzeln in vielen Ländern und Kulturen, die Tausende von Jahren zurückreichen, und dieser Vortrag wird durch Folien und musikalische Beispiele unterstützt werden.
„The History of Music Therapy as a Part of the Creative Arts Therapies Including Art,Dance and Drama in World Cultures“.
The role of the arts in therapy has its roots in many countries and cultures that date back thousands of years ago, and this lecture will be supported by slides and musical examples.
„Musiktherapie und der Blues“
Der Blues ist eine Form musikalischen Ausdrucks, die ihre Wurzeln in afroamerikanischen Kulturen aus der Zeit der Sklaverei hat. Für die Versklavten wurde der Blues unter den schlimmsten Bedingungen zu einer Form des musikalischen Ausdrucks.
Die Gruppe wird den Blues hören, sowie ihn singen und mit musikalischer Begleitung spielen. Das Singen wird auch das Erstellen und Singen individueller persönlicher Blues beinhalten, was eine wunderbare Form des Ausdrucks und der Therapie sein kann.
„Music Therapy and the Blues“
The blues are a form of musical expression that has its roots in Afro-American cultures from the time of slavery. For the enslaved the blues became a form of musical expression under the worst possible conditions.
The group will be listening to, as well as singing and playing the blues with musical accompaniment, with singing including creating and singing individual personal blues that can be a wonderful form of expression and therapy.